Thursday, April 29, 2010

2010 Blossom Pageant

Pictured right to left: 2010 Blossom Queen - Taylor Symons, me, 2009 Blossom Queen - Trista DeLaRosa

For 8 years now, I’ve been the Director of the Blossom Pageant. The primary reason for the pageant is to select a Queen and Court to reign over my community’s 72 year old tradition, the Canon City Music and Blossom Festival. The Blossom Pageant was my introduction to pageantry in 1998, when I competed for my first time. The following year, I won the coveted title of Blossom Queen. It was during my reign that I realized that I someday wanted to become director. Pageantry is my passion, and it’s been a privilege working with and mentoring the young ladies who participate in this program.

This year's pageant was on March 20th, and theme was “Learning to Fly,” which I choose because I am inspired by the strength and power of the butterfly. The butterfly starts off in a cocoon, sheltered and hidden. As growth takes place in the cocoon, it begins to break free from its walls. However, this process does not come without struggle. But it is the struggle, in the end, that gives the caterpillar its exquisite wings. Once broken free, the butterfly spreads its wings, and takes flight. I tell my candidates that this process reminds me so much of their journey to the crown. They start off as caterpillars hiding in their cocoon, and by the time the pageant rolls around they spread their wings and fly!

Twenty-six girls participated this year, and all were worthy of the title. Of those twenty-six, the 2010 Blossom Queen and her Court were selected, and they’ve done a fabulous job thus far of representing the community.

Here I am with my 2010 candidates, some of my staff, and the 2009 Queen and Court.

With my Assistant Directors and my Queen and Court
Pictured from left to right: Miss Personality – Hadlie Dew, Assistant Director – Amanda Romano, 1st Attendant – Danielle DesForges, me, 2010 Blossom Queen – Taylor Symons, Assistant Director – Jamie Patrick, 2nd Attendant – Sonora Hill

My great panel of judges and the new Blossom Queen
Pictured from left to right: Jennifer Hart (Mrs. Nebraska 2009), 2010 Blossom Queen – Taylor Symons, Emily Stark, Russell Dampier

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