Thursday, May 19, 2011

Off and Running

If you would have told me five years ago that my future self would be writing a blog about my year as Mrs. Colorado, I would have laughed.  What a difference a year can make let alone five.  During my four years of competition I would follow the current queen's blog and live vicariously through her experiences.  I would also day dream about the possibility of one day having my own blog as Mrs. Colorado, and imagine where my year would take me.  My daydreams have now become my new reality.

For those of you who don't know, my journey to the crown really became a family journey.  I am blessed with a large and very involved group, have you seen my Big Fat Greek Wedding?   After winning that Saturday night and being surrounded by so many loved ones, we all began to discuss the possibilities.   Of all the potential appearances discussed, not one person mentioned the one that presented itself to me first.

I know I have only had the title for a little over two and half months, but this one is by far my favorite.

One proud mom and her oldest baby, Braiden

March, 10th 2011

I received an e-mail from my oldest son's 3rd grade teacher asking if I wouldn't mind coming in to be presented to the 3rd graders.  Of course, without hesitation I agreed.  She went on to say that during creative writing my son had written about me winning, and it was all written from his perspective.  She would like me to come in so Braiden, my son, could read his paper out loud and present me as Mrs. Colorado.   I remember walking into the classroom and seeing all the children sitting on the floor with my little Braiden already up front ready to read about our experiences.  As he began to read and explain his excitement of that night and his emotions as I progressed to each level, I could not help but get teary eyed.  Here was my baby reciprocating the same emotions and feelings that I have towards him, in his eyes at that moment I was amazing.  What a feeling!  What a first appearance!!

Cherokee Trail Elementary 3rd graders

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