Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Returning as Mrs. Colorado

Up to this point and two months into my reign, I have done 31 appearances and although 15 were accounted for while at Mrs. America, it has still been a very busy few months.  Some of my favorites are going back to visit groups I was affiliated with or attended before winning.

May 12th

While preparing for Mrs. Colorado I joined Parker Toastmasters, which is a public speaking group.   We would meet every other week and practice speaking and relaying our thoughts in front of the group.  I not only enjoyed the wonderful people I met at Toastmasters but also gained more confidence and structure.  After winning Mrs. Colorado, the group leader invited me back to share my experiences.  It was a very proud moment for me to let them all know how much they helped me to achieve my goal of winning Mrs. Colorado.

May 18th

The year leading up to competition can be crazy and for me the people who were around me the most understood and therefore supported my efforts.  It seemed only natural to make an appearance at my daughters pre kindergarten graduation.  My daughter's teachers, Miss Lori and Miss Erika, always made me feel great about my potential to win Mrs. Colorado.  I saw them three times a week and almost every time they would ask how I was feeling and where I was in my preparations.  It felt amazing to go back and share with them my accomplishments, in truth for me it is a shared victory.

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