Monday, January 31, 2011

Who will be Mrs. Colorado 2011?

Competing in the Top 5 portion of Mrs. Colorado 2010

In a just a few short weeks I will be crowning my successor.  Who will she be??  The anticipation is so exciting!  It is so weird being on this side of competition.  Last year, this close to the competition date, I was working hard on all aspects of the competition.  In a "sport" where you have very little control over the outcome, I was doing all I could in the areas I could control.  Working out, watching what I was putting in my mouth, making adjustments to my wardrobe, collecting ticket money and purchasing tickets for my "crowd" - to name just a few things, gave me some control over my dream of becoming Mrs. Colorado.  Wednesday night's orientation I felt ready for whatever God had for me; whatever the outcome I knew there would be no regrets.  

Contestants - Sitting this side of the title, I know exactly what you are feeling right now, so with that -  I want to wish you the very best of luck!  May you enjoy each step of the way towards pageant weekend.  Please enjoy this journey.  It goes so quickly and you have worked so hard, it would be a shame if you didn't appreciate all that will come your way between now and Saturday night when the next Mrs. Colorado is crowned.  

My fellow Coloradoans - come out and watch the amazing production of the Mrs. Colorado pageant.  See details below:    

Preliminary pageant is at the Sheraton Denver West on March 3, 2011.
Final show will be on March 5, 2011 at the Temple Buell Theater in the DPAC. 
Both shows start at 7:00 pm. 
Tickets go on sale on February 4, 2011, through February 21, 2011, via mail. 
Tickets will be sold at the door. 
Come celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Mrs. America.
Call 303-593-1199 for more information.

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