Sunday, October 07, 2012

The Queen's Team- Race for the Cure

Race for the Cure in Denver
My third and final Race for the Cure in Colorado 2012! What an honor it has been to be part of three Race for the Cure events right here in Colorado.  This morning was the largest and coldest of them all at a low of 37 degrees.  My face, fingers, and toes were so incredibly numb from the cold air but boy was it fun! I was invited to speak at the Survivor’s breakfast at 6:20am.  We then ran the 5k competitive race at 7am and took part in the Inspiration 5k walk at 8am.  Thank you to all of the contestants and friends who joined the Queen’s Team! I appreciate each and every one of you!
My Dear Friends

My Partner in Crime

After my Speech- Brrr It Was Cold!

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