Saturday, November 03, 2012

Family Traditions

Family Traditions

One of my favorite childhood memories is around carving pumpkins.  My sister and I would jump in the car and go with my parents to pick out the best pumpkins in the world. We would look for things like originality, color, shape, and quality of stem. We weren’t necessarily looking for the most perfect pumpkin; it was more around picking a pumpkin that spoke to us.

As a mom, I have carried that tradition to my family. Picking out and carving pumpkins was delightful this year. I loved sitting back and watching the madness of seeds flying around, markers all over the place, and laughter as things don’t quite go as planned. Best of all, I love watching the smiles on my children's faces, knowing that they too are creating traditions.

I have gotten in the habit of journaling my favorite memories so that they will hopefully carry on for generations to follow. What are some of your most beloved family traditions?

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