Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gobble, Gobble and Gobble

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!  Not only is this what a turkey says, but it is the American motto during the holiday season!
What are we gobbling?  Food, food and more food, stress, and possibly finding the perfect gifts, as the speed of our life gears up over the next month let me share 3 tips with you to help you through this Thanksgiving season feeling healthy and alive:
1 - Plan your meals
Planning your meals ahead of time saves time and money.  Have you ever ventured to the grocery store with no clue what you were going to buy?  I know I have!  In this situation the shopping cart seems to fill up with just about everything that   your taste buds enjoy. To avoid overspending, write out your grocery list before heading to the store.  Aside from saving you money, having your meals for the week planned out alleviates the daily question of “what am I cooking for dinner tonight?”   Putting the weekly menu on your refrigerator.
2 - Be Mindful
Practicing mindfulness in each area of your life will bring lasting and bountiful results. This practice can be used with your food, the ones you love, and every decision in your life.  Mindfully choosing and consuming your food will assist you in tuning into your body and hearing its signals.  Eat slowly and with gratitude.  Chew each bite thoroughly, enjoying every flavor that fills your palate.  You will find yourself enjoying your meals at a much higher level, and being mindful during the eating process helps to avoid overeating.  Use mindful principles in every area of your life to experience more delight and a deeper connection with everything surrounding you.
3 - Stress Relief
I certainly don’t have to tell you that stress causes a number of health issues.  Equip yourself with some stress relief tools that you can use at a moment’s notice — combating stress as it comes at you. Reducing your tendency to worry about things you cannot control, learning a few breathing exercises, journaling your feelings daily, and releasing control are a few fabulous tools to keep you as stress free as possible. Just as important as doing things to reduce stress, avoiding negative influences in life that cause stress

If you loved these suggestions and want to read about 7 more steps to having a Happy and Healthy Fall, PLUS have a guide to walk you through step by step to making this happen, then sign up now for your Free eBook! (see below for website to eBook)
May this thanksgiving season be filled with gratitude and abundance!  
Sheri Engstrom-Rickard CHHC  Mrs. CO 2004

PS.  Are you gearing up for Christmas but maybe feeling like you need a little extra support to get through to the New Year without any weight gain while maintaining your sanity?  Then check out my 21 Day Happy and Healthy Holiday Challenge.  Ring in the New Year with excitement!

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