Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blossom Pageant

March 19th
It is a completely different feeling sitting in the audience during a pageant competition having competed before.  For one, you know exactly what they are going through, the nerves, the excitement, and the hope of capturing the title and crown.   Secondly, you know how hard they have worked, the blood, sweat and sometime tears that goes into preparing.
This time was no different, except for the fact that I was invited to make an appearance as Mrs. Colorado. 
This was a special appearance to me because it happened to be one of my new queen sisters productions. 
Megan McCarter is the director of Cannon City's Blossom Pageant. 
In addition, a hand full of my queen sisters were in attendance, which made the event that much more exciting.  
We also had some time to stop into Fandies Candy Company owned by Debi Moore, another fabulous queen sister. : )
It was a wonderful event and all of the contestants were just amazing.  I am really glad I was not a judge!
Congratulations to the new 2011 Blossom Queen, Caroline Solak
2011 Blossom queen, Caroline, Blossom director/sister queen, Megan, and 2010 Blossom queen, Taylor

My Mrs. Colorado sister queens

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