Wednesday, June 01, 2011

An Experience of a Lifetime

Mrs. America
March 31st - April 15th, 2011

As I browse through my pictures and reflect on my time spent at Mrs. America, I am taken back to an indescribable experience.  It was nothing like I thought it would be, it was so much more.  No words or pictures can even come close to describing my adventure.  The feelings or emotions  I felt during the fifteen days I spent at Mrs. America are similar to that of being on a roller coaster.  I was excited, thrilled, exhausted, nervous, homesick, pumped and READY!! 
The most challenging part of this whole thing had to be the packing.  Fifteen days with sometimes several activities a day and also accounting for weather, plus accessories, this was a huge job! : )

Ready to head out the door for Mrs. America

These two boxes  full of clothes and shoes were shipped in addition to what I brought on the airplane.
This picture is what they looked like returning home, pretty beat up!

I arrived in West Virginia and was ready and open to what ever happened.  The outcome was already determined, I just needed to do what I had prepared to do, and let it unfold.  I think this attitude is what helped me the most during my days spent at Mrs. America.
I met my roommate, Mrs. California- Jennifer Glava that first day and was so excited to find we had many things in common.  I have found a lifelong friend in her, as well as, in many other ladies.  I enjoyed meeting many of the state representatives and hearing about their goals during their reign.  What amazing women.

My roommate, Jen, and I receiving our opening number dresses.

with Mrs. Minnesota, Mrs. South Dakota, and Mrs. Montana at one of our formal dinners

with Mrs. Connecticut, Mrs Rhode Island, Mrs. California and Mrs. South Dakota in the lobby after lunch

with Mrs. Michigan, Mrs. DC, Mrs. California, Mrs. Delaware, and Mrs. Hawaii at one of our cocktail parties.
It was so much fun getting dressed up for the evening events.

with Mrs. Nevada, Mrs. Maine, Mrs. California and Mrs. Idaho at our Habitat for Humanity Building project.
The little boy, who we were building the home for, came out that day and handed out safety goggles to us.
Very fashionable!!

all of the girls at the Habitat for Humanity Build

We were taken in groups to experience the many activities offered at the Greenbrier.
Our group getting ready to go horse back riding.

with Mrs. Minnesota, Mrs. New Hampshire, Mrs. Hawaii, and Mrs. Kentucky at our dignitary dinner.
We presented our state gifts to the owner of the Greenbrier, Jim Justice.

with Mrs. Delaware, Mrs. Hawaii, and Mrs. California getting ready to hit the greens.
We had fun practicing our golf swings.

with Mrs. Vermont, Mrs. Utah, Mrs West Virginia, Mrs. New York and Mrs. Florida
exploring the beautiful shops at the Greenbrier

with DianeTucker, Mrs World 2007, at our orientation dinner.

with Mrs. Hawaii, Mrs. Florida, Mrs. California, and Mrs. Idaho getting ready to have dinner

Our time spent rehearsing for the show seemed monotonous and exhausting, but looking back those are some of my most fondest memories.  It was a chance for us to learn something new, like a dance routine, a chance for us to get to know each other, without the competition on our minds, and a chance to experience something that so few would ever get the opportunity to, and appreciate the honor.
with Mrs. Rhode Island during one of our MANY rehearsals

with Mrs. Kansas, Mrs. California, Mrs. Hawaii, Mrs. Connecticut, and Mrs. Florida
taking a very quick break from rehearsals to grab some lunch.

with my roomie, Mrs. California, enjoying high tea, which was held every day at 4pm

What a wonderful tradition, the exchanging of state gifts.
Everyone is to bring a gift from their state, it was like Christmas all over again!

Florence and her daughter, Barbara, rehearsing for the big show

with Mrs. Hawaii at rehearsals before preliminary competition

 Having so many loved ones by my side as I crossed the finish line really made this whole journey complete.  I would not be where I am today if in were not for the love and support of my family and friends.  It meant so much to me that they made the trip out to West Virginia.  Team Colorado definitely had the biggest and best supporters.

After the preliminary competition

Having a little fun after finals

with Becca and Sheli

more family

I am so proud of myself and the way everything worked out, of course I would have loved to bring home the title of Mrs. America, but at the end of the day I am just as excited to be Mrs. Colorado 2011.

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