Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Queen Sisters

Queen's send off party
March 28th, 2011

One of the many reasons I continued to work so diligently towards the title of Mrs. Colorado, was in part for the amazing sisterhood you enter into once being crowned.  It is a sorority of sorts, filled with intriguing, unique, and inspiring women.  I have had the chance over the last few years to meet and get to know many of them, I have competed with some, I have coached with some, and I have been inspired by many.  I am so incredibly honored to now walk along side them and create my own foot prints as a Mrs. Colorado.

Wrapping up the celebrations before leaving for Mrs. America I was given a traditional queen's send off party hosted by my new queen sister, Janet.  This party is always given by the queens to the current Mrs. Colorado before leaving for nationals.
It was a wonderful evening and I was so excited to hear about their stories and receive advice for my own journey to nationals.  I was also showered with beautiful gifts and words of encouragement.

with Shalon and Megan

opening some of my gifts

So many fun and thoughtful gifts from my queen sisters.

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