Monday, October 01, 2012

A Great Weekend Supporting A Great Cause

A Great Weekend Supporting A Great Cause
We had a great time at the Stop Child Trafficking Now (SCTNow) race this past weekend.  SCTNow was formed to make an impact in the fight against child sex trafficking—A problem that has been deemed as a growing issue in our nation, and nations around the world—one that needs every voice and every nation to rise against it.

SCTNow seeks to protect and deliver children from this heinous crime, by focusing funding on efforts on stopping the demand (buyers, predators, traffickers).

SCTNow believes that focusing efforts on stopping the demand has the power to interrupt the cycle of supply, demand, and distribution, resulting in fewer predators, and ultimately fewer victims.

SCTNow realizes that while a focus on the demand is necessary, child trafficking is a complex, multi-faceted issue requiring a comprehensive response. SCTNow’s Partnership Program funds other non-profit organizations providing shelter, care and victim services.

A huge thank you to the ladies who were able to attend!! Even though I did not WIN the stiletto race, it was still fun!!

To learn more, please visit:

With Some of the Fabulous Mrs.Colorado 2012 Contestants

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