Monday, October 01, 2012

Come Join Me This Sunday, October 7th at the Race for the Cure

Race for the Cure at the Garden of the Gods

In Colorado Springs

With my dear friend Shauna, in Aspen- We ran a 10k

 Come Join the Races, Oct 7th 2012- Let’s Fight Breast Cancer Together
I have been fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to speak and participate in several Susan G Komen Race for the Cure events in Colorado this summer/fall.  As many of you know, our family was impacted with the horrific disease, breast cancer.   Breast cancer does not discriminate, it does not have to run in your family to be contracted, and it can touch anyone of us.

Please join me this Sunday, October 7th 2012 as we walk to fight breast cancer.  I will be speaking at 6:20am during the Survivor Breakfast, will run the 7am competitive 5k, and then will walk the 5k.  Please come and participate in all or one of the events. Please contact me and let me know which race you’ll be attending so that I can give you our meeting location. 

  • Click on the Register button
  • Click on Join a Team
  • Type in The Queen Team as the team name and then Mrs. Colorado as the Company Name

Thank you in advance for your participation and I can’t wait to see you there!

Pink Hugs and Good Wishes,

Mrs. Colorado 2012

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