Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas is the Time of Year I Cherish Most

Christmas is the time of year I cherish.  As I sit here by my fireplace and look at the beautiful Christmas tree my family and I decorated, I feel so blessed to have this amazing life. The holiday season is a time for appreciation, gratitude, giving, and celebrating life.
Our Tree

My family has a tradition of giving ornaments as gifts.  My mother gave me an ornament every year and I now give my boys a special ornament each year.  My plan is that they will eventually have a box of ornaments that carry special memories of their childhood, just like I have.  I give this gift (an ornament) on the night before Christmas. I have each of my little boys sit down with their hands out and eyes closed.  I gently place the specially wrapped box in their hands and watch them open their gift.  I then explain why the ornament is significant and why I want them to have it.  Even though this gift is the most insignificant gift they receive each year as far as monetary value, my heart explodes with love when I watch their little faces light up as they unwrap their newest addition to their collection.  It is at this moment every year that I remember that it is the simple gifts in life that are the most precious.

One of the things I started doing a few years ago is labeling my Christmas ornaments. I create a small label that I can hide on the inside or bottom of the ornament.  I label who gave it to me and the year.  One of my favorite pass times during the holiday season is to pour a glass of wine and look at all my beautiful ornaments while reminiscing about all the wonderful memories I have been blessed to have.

This is an ornament that my Aunt made for my husband and I.  We were pregnant with our first child Hunter in this photo.  The ornament in the background is a photo of my sister and I as little girls. My mom gave me this ornament in 1983.  These are the types of ornaments that makes me smile.

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