Friday, December 21, 2012

Gorgeous Skin for the Holidays and New Year

The holidays are here, and that means your schedule is filling up fast, with parties, dinners, and other seasonal get-togethers. During my year as Mrs. Colorado, I have been so fortunate to be under the care of Dr. Terkonda and his amazing assistant, Heather Eckert at the Longmont Clinic.  I know these types of professional services can typically be pricey but if you do have the time and pocket book, it is well worth it.  I highly recommend any of their services, they are fabulous!

I am the first person to admit that “treats” like professional skincare services are fabulous but have to be when the timing is right financially.  If it’s not the right timing for you, this may be a good thing to put on your wish list for some time after the holiday season. Start saving now and think of it as a new beginning (and treat) to start off the New Year.  

In the meantime, here are some great tips I found online to make sure your skin maintains a healthy, gorgeous glow while you keep up with your hectic schedule.

Nothing says "healthy glow" like the rosy cheeks you have after a jog, trip to the gym, or bike ride. And exercise has other benefits during the holidays, too. It's a terrific stress reliever and mood elevator, and improves your cardiovascular health. That's all good news this time of year.

Cleanse gently
Cold air outdoors and over-heated homes and offices can leave winter skin dry and itchy, so it's extra important to treat it with TLC. Gentle cleansers like Cetaphil It won't strip your skin of its natural protective oils or emollients, and it maintains your skin's natural pH balance.

Winter skin is thirsty skin, and that means you'll need to moisturize. And don't be surprised if you have to reapply your moisturizer several times a day. Make sure you look for a cream with SPF for moderate protection against damaging UVA and UVB rays that are responsible for premature lines and wrinkles, even in winter.

Drink Lots of Water
I am not really a “water drinker” but boy does it make a difference in my skin and also the way I feel.  If you’re not naturally a water lover, try adding fresh lemons, limes, and even herbs.  A favorite on mine is adding one fresh lemon wedge and sliced cucumbers to a large glass of water.  Delicious!

Bundle up
Keeping your skin covered, with gloves, a hat, and a scarf, when you go outdoors can help protect it from the harsh winter weather.

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