Monday, December 17, 2012

Musclemania Figure Championships

Judging My First Fitness Contest

Something that is on my personal “bucket list” is training for and competing in a fitness contest.  It was no surprise hat when my dear friend Tiffany Yee, owner of Body Statement Gym asked me if I’d be interested in being a judge for a fitness show that I was literally jumping in the air because I was so excited!
I was so honored and excited to be a judge at the Musclemania Figure Championships this past month.  Watching those men and women walk on that stage brought tears to my eyes because I knew the amount of heart, soul, dedication, and determination it took to get there.  Many of the female contestants were in their 40’s and had several children.  I was so proud of each and every one of them for making health and fitness a priority.  What a great role modeling they were being for their children.

The next competition will be in April 2013.  Hmmmm…. Does this Mrs. Colorado have what it takes to get competition ready? I wonder if I’ll be crossing off another item from the ole bucket list.

Meet the Judges

I love working out with my children and of course, little Ms. Tiffany!

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