Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mrs. Colorado’s 90 Day Challenge- Let’s Do It Together

Okay, queen sisters, let’s do this! I’m creating a 90 day challenge to look and feel my best from the inside out.  I don’t know about you but I need goals to motivate me especially when it comes to nutrition, exercise and taking the time to feed my soul.  Having ambitious goals has always been a part of my life because I love to push my limits.  Notice, I say “my.”  That’s because goals are incredibly personal.  So here’s the deal.  I’ll outline the challenge, commit to support/motivate you by blogging every day, and you tweak it to work for you.
Material things you will need:
A journal

Create a vision board- if this is new to you, please read one of my earlier blogs, You Got This Girl.
The 90 Day Challenge

·         Eat Clean- I’ll be blogging about eating clean so stay tuned. In the mean time I encourage you to visit  I love this women and she has some fabulous recipes.

·         Do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio a day, six days a week. (Let’s get real- I need one cheat day to stay in the game.)

·         Life weights OR do some type of resistance training three or four days a week. You can absolutely do this on your own but if you need assistance, the P90X is a great set of videos for this type of workout. If you can afford to hire a personal trainer, I highly recommend seeing Tiffany Yee (or any of her trainers) at the Body Statement Gym.  The team at the Body Statement Gym got me in top shape for Mrs. America.

·         Read something motivational every day.  Whatever fills your soul.

·         Write down (in your journal) three good things that happened each day.

·         Look in the mirror and say one thing you love about yourself out loud.

·         Look in the mirror and say one thing that you are thankful for.

·         Do one kind deed every day.  Document this in your journal.  

For those of you competing in the 2013 Mrs. Colorado pageant, we have approximately 90 days till the week of May 18th. That means that we have 90 days to look and feel our best from the inside out. For those of you who are not competing on the 18th (you really should consider it) but why not take the challenge as well?  I mean who doesn’t want to look and feel fabulous?
I love working hard for something and then enjoying the feeling of accomplishment once it is completed.  Come on, let's do this challenge together!!

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