Monday, February 18, 2013

Support Is All Around Us

Mrs. Colorado's Challenge- Day 7
Topic- Support
Tiffany Yee, my son Dane, Me, and my son Hunter- working out at the Body Statement Gym
Support is all around us. One thing I have learned from competing in the Mrs. Colorado pageant is that although support is all around us, it has to start from your heart.  I have learned that once you love yourself and open your world up to those who love you, the support flows to you and it is incredible.

The first year I competed in Mrs. Colorado, I was so scared to tell people because  I was worried that either they wouldn’t think I was pretty enough or they would think I was coincident because I was entering a beauty pageant, etc.  I mean the list “of doubt” went on and on.  Then slowly, the word got out and all the people that loved me came out to support me.  I was overwhelmed by the kind words of encouragement and support that poured out not only from friends and family, but, from my community.

As Mrs. Colorado, I continue to be overcome with gratitude for all the people that are here for me.  Tonight I attended the Body Statement Gym and saw one of biggest cheerleaders Tiffany Yee.  When I was training for Mrs. Colorado and Mrs. America, she was that little voice in my ear saying, “come on, you can do this.” 
This last week, I heard that little voice again when Tiffany invited me to attend her seminar to learn more about the Rocky Mountain National Championships competition that will occur on April 28th.  Now, I will be honest, this girl (me) has tacked on some poundage since Mrs. America and when Tiffany asked me to come down and consider competing in a fitness competition it had me in serious self-doubt.  I also had to put my vanity aside, strip down, and let her pinch my fat (there’s plenty of it) so she could get a full assessment.  Trust me; it wasn’t pretty however Tiffany still left me feeling like a million bucks. Tiffany’s positive energy is infectious as all of her trainers make you feel like you can overcome any obstacle.

As I sat and listened to Tiffany share tips and tricks at her workshop tonight, I pondered about the idea of competing in my first ever fitness show.  I looked around the room and not only felt so inspired by Tiffany and staff, but, by all the people who sat beside me.  From mom’s wanting to get back into shape to people who have dreamed about fitness from the time they were a child.  In that moment, we all held the same dream, the dream of knocking down barriers, being the best we can physically be, and achieving a rigorous goal of stepping out onto that stage.
Is this something that's on your bucket list? If so, what are you waiting for?

So, you may be wondering if this Mrs. Colorado will be competing on April 28th? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, join me at the Body Statement Gym for Semi-private training sessions! Just contact the Body Statement Gym for more details.  Remember, support is all around you, you just have to let it in.

The BODY Statement Gym
609 E. Speer (between Washington & Pearl)
Denver, Co 80203

Phone: 303-715-0496 (0GYM)

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