Tuesday, December 07, 2010

I'm a proud Mom.

Chalcey giving her testimony at Valor High School

Parents want the best for their children. Being a parent is one of the highest callings God gives. You pray your children hang out with the right kids. You want them to do well in school. You hope you are raising them the way God wants you to. Chuck and I are not the best parents in the world, we know we mess up a lot. However, when we look at our daughter Chalcey, we know we are on the right track. Chalcey isn't perfect. She works hard at school. She works hard at Volleyball. She has a heart for others and she knows her value.

Chalcey's value comes from God alone and on June 10, 2010, God reminded her He has a plan for her life. That morning I received a phone call shortly after Chalcey left for her 8:00 volleyball practice. The man on the other line told me my daughter had been in a single vehicle accident, she was being stabilized and would be transferred to one of the two closest hospitals. His superior grabbed the phone and told me exactly where they would be taking her. I can remember dropping to my knees, paralyzed by the unknown. My two boys were home with me and Chuck was in Casper, WY working on a project. I quickly dressed, called family members and drove to the hospital in a daze. When I arrived at the hospital, Chalcey was in getting her ct-scan. Her room was riddled with remnants from the accident. Broken glass, leaves, twigs, dirt, muddy and bloody workout pants. On the bedside table the nurses notes delivered a blow, it stated Chalcey had rolled her car and flipped it twice over C-470. God miraculously kept Chalcey's life in his hands. He allowed her to sustain only a concussion and a broken nose. Her VW Cabriolet was crushed, but she wasn't.

Recently, Chalcey shared her experience in front of her peers at Valor Christian High School. Her friends gave me the seat of honor...front and center, next to them. The students were in awe over the pictures of the car. They learned Chalcey had looked down at her ipod and lost control of her car. Chalcey challenged them to be distraction free in their cars, hoping she might have saved a life in sharing her experience. Chuck and I were so proud walking out of the gym that day. Our daughter is becoming a woman before our eyes. She knows her worth, more valuable than rubies!

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