Friday, February 15, 2013

How Full Is Your Bucket?

Mrs. Colorado’s Challenge- Day 5
Topic: Your Bucket

Tonight as I snuggled up to my first grader; we read one of our favorite books, How Full Is Your Bucket written by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer.  This book reminded me of the importance of filling other’s buckets. There is a line in the book that I love and it is when the little boy in the book realizes the power of the “bucket” and he says, “The strange thing was that for every drop I put in someone else’s bucket, I  felt another drop in my own bucket.” 

We all know what it feels like to have an empty bucket and hopefully we all know what it feels like to have one that is full.  The interesting thing that I have realized is that we are all in control of our own buckets. We have the power to empty them or fill them based on how we treat and communicate with other people.  I feel so thankful tonight as I think about my own bucket and the people that have helped to fill it.  I’m going to make a conscious effort to fill buckets tomorrow and everyday going forward.

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