Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Giving Back to Our Beautiful Community

Giving Back to Our Beautiful Community

One of the gifts of competing in the Mrs. Colorado pageant is that it promotes getting involved in our community and supporting organizations that you are passionate about. While competing for the title of Mrs. Colorado, I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet and become friends with wonderful women in our state. These women contribute to our community in amazing ways and inspire me to be a better person. 

A few years ago, I competed with Valentina Anderson and instantly feel in love with her zest for life. As I have gotten to know her over the years, she continues to impress me with gratitude for life, particularly her drive for giving back to something she is passionate about, orphan children.
Recently, Valentina invited to attend an event to raise funds for orphan children. This fundraiser was sponsored by her non-profit organization, Give 2 Orphans. At this event, I was humbly lifted as Valentina shared her own experience as an orphan and her mission to help create a better life for children.

As Mrs. Colorado, it is an honor and privilege to attend events like Give 2 Orphans and challenges me to strive to be a strong contributor in our community. I believe that when we give, we receive tenfold. In many cases what I have received from giving back to my community is gratitude and happiness that fills my soul. Being exposed to new experiences and the feeling from helping others is a gift that stays with you for a lifetime.  A gift that is truly priceless. Below is some information about Give 2 Orphans. To learn more, please visit Valentina’s website: http://www.give2orphankids.org/

About Give 2 Orphan Kids
Give 2 Orphan Kids was recently established to become a non-profit organization that will help supplement the day to day needs of orphan kids, wherever the need arises in this world.

Valentina Anderson, the founder of Give 2 Orphan Kids, is passionate about helping kids who are orphans. As an orphan herself, Valentina knows firsthand what it means to be left alone, without parents, often fending for herself. And, while Valentina has many memories of her childhood, one memory sticks out among all the rest, her 5th grade teacher who made a real difference in her life, and inspired her to always think positive, be happy and have faith that her life would be worthwhile.

Today, Valentina is blessed to have the support of a loving husband and four wonderful children. Over the past 14 years, Valentina has been helping to provide for the needs of orphan kids in the orphanage where she was raised in the Ukraine. Now, with G2OK, she is lengthening her stride, doubling her efforts and reaching out to orphan kids everywhere.


Give 2 Orphan Kids does not believe orphan kids should be taken way from their community and it is not our intent to help facilitate the adoption process. Our mission is to help supplement the daily needs of each orphan child, work with those in charge of their day to day care and give each orphan a hope for a brighter future.


Valentina’s commitment to her own children and family is the guiding force behind her goal to improve the lives of orphan kids wherever they may be, and Give 2 Orphan Kids has already begun the work to fulfill this objective. In Valentina’s mind, the future is bright and everything is possible, and she welcomes your generous support.


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